Years 7 - 8
Risk. Responsibility. Mental health. Online safety. Substance abuse. Bullying. Empathy. Tolerance. Identity & Healthy Relationships

The Project
An exciting, immersive, and full-length theatrical production that follows 12 characters who are all connected through one life changing event. We watch as their small choices, driven by poor mental health or lack of empathy, unknowingly snowball, effecting their relationships, identity and wider community.
The day aims to help young people understand the impact of their actions, and their responsibility to look after their own wellbeing in order to make healthy choices for themselves and others.
Our Half Day option sees an hour performance for the full year group, followed by 1 interactive, debate based workshop for up to 250 at a time, repeated as necessary
Our Full Day option sees the performance followed by 2 different workshops for up to 90 at a time, run by our staff, with extensive classroom resources provided for optional teacher-led sessions, culminating in an anonymous Q&A, focussing on the facts,
How the Day Works
Recognising and maintaining positive relationships, including friendships. Mutual respect, honesty and empathy.
Online and Media, unhealthy comparisons online, online risk, cyber bullying, the impact of sharing sensitive material online.
How stereotypes around gender, religion, race, disability and sexual orientation can be damaging.
Judging whether another person or source of information is trustworthy and safe.
The importance of seeking help and advice when needed, where to find help.
Mental Wellness being paramount to happy, fulfilling lives, recognising early signs of poor mental health, positive coping strategies and the benefit of talking about our feelings.

Thanks to @TOTItheatre had a wicked day your performance was amazing :)